This Saturday, October 28 the conferences “Communication, Power and Counterpower” gave the final step towards their construction thanks to more than 70 people who, through their contributions to the crowdfunding campaign, made it possible to obtain the necessary budget to make them a reality.

The conferences “Communication, Power and Counterpower” will analyze the mechanisms of construction of the current hegemonic and uniform discourse as well as the power relations that are woven between the media, political power and transnationals. At the same time, these conferences will also unfold the way in which people organize themselves in the construction of counterpower through the structuring of an alternative discourse and a new culture that has as a central point the transformation of the citizen into an active subject, thanks to the emergence of new tools, new knowledge and a different conception of communication and information from the appearance of the internet.

The conferences, which will take place between November 17 and December 8, are made up of open and free lectures that will take place in different locations around the world, and which will be connected to each other through the digital space. Each one of these lectures will be organized through an exhibition made by different specialists and professionals who will make a detailed analysis and then start a debate among the people present. The program of the conferences is:


  • A Coruña


      • Thursday 11/23/2017 – MARCOS PÉREZ  “Every journalist has his/her own truth. War of stories in a fragmented world”, Casares Quiroga House Museum (Panaderas St, 12) at 7:30 p.m.
      • Friday 11/24/2017ANTONIO CARO ““Advertising as an instrument of power”, Alexandre Bóveda Cultural Association (Olmos Street, 16) at 8:00 p.m.


  • Madrid


      • Thursday 11/30/2017ALEJANDRO BARRANQUERO “Strategies for media reform. Is it possible to subvert the media system?”, CSA Playa Gata (Cardenal Herrera Oria ave., 80B) at 8:30 p.m.


  • Montpelier


      • Friday 12/08/2017PHILIPPE CORCUFF “Criticism of media and emancipation in today’s world”, Date & time to be confirmed.


  • Montreal


      • Friday 12/08/2017DMITRI VITALIEV “Title to be confirmed”, McGill University (3480 McTavish St, Montreal, QC H3A 1X9 [Room 203A, 2nd Floor]) at 7:00 p.m.


  • Santiago de Compostela


      • Friday 11/17/2017  – JOSÉ CANDÓN “A cage with windows: Risks and opportunities for digital activism”, Gentalha do Pichel (Santaclara St, 21) at 8:00 p.m.


  • Vigo


    • Saturday 11/18/2017JOSÉ “PEPE” RIBAS “Does free press exist?”, De Catro a Catro (Girona St, 16) at 8:00 p.m.
    • Saturday 11/25/2017MAGDA BANDERA “Myths about the supposed digital revolution in the media”, O Serán (Manuel Núñez St, 29, Bajo) at 8:00 p.m.

ECOAR))) thanks each and every one of the support samples received for the construction of these conferences that would be completely impossible without your help. We invite all citizens to participate actively in each of the lectures in order to analyze and search for solutions, conclusions and new collective ways in terms of the communication and power relations that are created through it.

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